Monday, June 27, 2011

Potato couch

Stupid holidays and its relaxing days! I'm such a lazy ass now. Yes i admit. I'm a lazy ass!!!!
But hey, isn't that what holidays are about? being lazy? hmmmm.
takkan nak pemalas for 3 months? No.. cannot. i shouldn't, i wouldn't!

So, what to do for 3 months...

Sunday, June 26, 2011



Hi readers. :D.
Ok straight to the point.
Semalam 25 jun 2011, ade org ni call.. punye la pelik, asal manusia ni call ak time2 cmni? dh la time tu baruu je lelap mata.
whatthefish betul! Tp depan die kene cover, tak maraaahh. hahah :P
so konon2 nye die ckp nk tnye khabar la, rindu la. OO emm geee brooo. hahah. ak dari awal dah agak dah.
i was like, pe gile sentimental brader ni. taw la nak grad dah, tapi wa tktaw lu jiwang cmni broo. hahah.
ok2 whatever. so bile die call tu, ak dari awal sampai ke hujungnye mmg tk caya die call sebab "saje".
So at last dapat taw gak knape. rupenye call freee.
haiishh bro bro bro.
wa dah taw perangai lu la bro. wa dah kenal lu masuk 5 tahun bro! dari gua baby face, sampai sekarang! baby face + janggut taw! lama taw!!

Okay bro. lu dah habis gelak? wa tey baru taw! EYY!! potong beauty sleep ak betul.
ok silap line. wa bkn abg long dil.
Wa kerat lu 18 kali baru taw erti penyesalan!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Okay serious post


Yesssssss. Juicy stuff hahaha.
No lah, just relationships in general should be enough.
So what is a relationship?
SIOT!!!! ajan just farted in his sleep.

okay. dont know what to say about relationships.
awkward silence.
Change topic.


Ahaa! phones!
BB la! hahaha. okay, a phone is something everyone has. its a basic form of need at this time of age.
Dulu, i still remember when the 3310 was an awesome phone, brader2 yang dah highschool pegang 3310 dah bagai orang yang paling stylo aku pernah nampak. lu style bro!!
But now? pshhhh. budak darjah2 dah pakai phone canggih.

My current phone is a Nokia 5530 XpressMusic. I like to buy the phones that are good in terms of music playing. my previous phone was a Sony W810. 'W' stands for walkman. see what i mean?

Tapi itu semua zaman kanak2 bro. zaman remaja la orang kata. Now dah up sikit, everything around pun kena up sikit la kan? My shirt, size seluar (ooh nooo), kereta, size poket, size kasut, baju, skill futsal, behaviour, gadgets, needs, demands, food intake, food output..errkk. okay that's enough.

So, since we're talking about phones. What phone can i upgrade to?
haha. surprise surprise. :)

What is this.

What is this feeling??
Rasa macam nak update blog. But, no idea what to say.
So what it his feeling called?
Numbness of the brain? Menggedik? Brain delaying syndrome?

OKAY!! someone just called me a "chick magnet". HIK HIK HIK!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Why when i read back my post, i sound like chinese one? good thing only broken english.
if i talk manglish (mandarin+english) then that will be frikking weird meh.

what the..

why is this happening to me. I'm like the hulk, from normal to green. or from puurrrfect english to broken english.
how come mehh?

oo emm gggeeeeeeee



So sweepy maa. i wanna sweep but cannot. why cannot aa? cannot coz my eyes wont shut lorhh. no laah. ekcheli aa, my gf online with me lorh. so how can sleep when she online? i also not ready to sleep yet. but sleepy lah.

kalau macam ini pun kan, sampai esok pun boleh tak tido pun kan. adoi-eee. bile punyai-ee chat pun kan, tak boleh tido punye puun.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


A holiday period is the most over-rated period of all. Especially when you have nothing to do.
for example, during the semester. everyone is struggling to do their best at quizzes, exams, finish their assignments on time.. at these times are when everyone can't wait for the sem to end. and when the holiday comes we will ALL get bored. the longest period of holiday without getting bored is 2 weeks. longer than that will be boredom!!

Why? Because we are all used to the havoc, messy, stressful routine. everyday go to class, tengah hari tidur, then class some more. then petang football, futsal, badminton, gym, jogging pusing uia (but actually nk usha awek lain yg jogging).

But when on holiday all we do is wake up at 12, then dont know what to do.

There's only 1 way that can solve this.
Get a short holiday!

This means either your holiday is actually short, or you make it short!
How you ask? by doing something during holiday laaa. adoiyai. tu pun nak tanye ke? eyy kamu ni pun kan. aku pukul kamu baru taw pun kan. adoi! ( cara david teo cakap).

So fill ur holidays with shizznit to do boys and girls! work, gym, business, kemas rumah, belajar, charity work, sports, travel ANYTHING! As long as you're occupied.

Make the best of what you have, coz when you lose it. It's not yours to have.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Car Mags.

ellow! (with a british accent. yup, i do it real good.)

Car magazines! My friends know that i buy car magazines every month. or maybe once in 2 months. Reason i buy them? No.. not to berangan every day. It's for my leisure reading! I like to know what is happening under that bonnet. i want to know what can make my car go faster, brake harder and turn quicker.

I used to LOVE buying TopGear (TG) magazines. But lately, since Najib bought Extreme Kars (EK) mags.. I started to like them more! Why? Well, TopGear is awesome in their own way. Yup, who doesn't love hypercars, supercars and them lot. What, you don't? You must be crazy.

Anywayy. The reason i prefer Extreme Kars than TopGear is that Extreme Kars are about the modded up cars in Malaysia!! how awesome is that? This means that i can relate to the cars better than i can in TopGear. Sure2, TopGear is funnier and Extreme Kars is all about facts and stats. But that's what i want!!! It also tells me where I can get the stuff for whenever i need them.

The last issue of EK had a neo, civic eg6 (my baby), satria lama and a swift. While this latest one has a skyline R34 GTT, Honda Civic FD2, a DC5, Impreza, Neo, Perdana, Vios and Viva!
While the latest issue of TG had the new McLaren supercar, some ferraris, and something. idk. tak baca lagi.

Also, EK mags ada hotmodels. TG don't. HAHA!

Knowing when to stop is not the same as giving up.

Ak ngantuk. So report ni esok lah sambung!!!!! Damn u ana and ajan, tido tak tunggu orang!

I like..

I like reading back my posts. They sound funny haha. I hope they can remind me of me in the future.

Dear future me. Never forget what made you what you are. Say thank you to all those that helped you. Dont be afraid to flip your finger to those people that deserve it, yes, you know they deserve it. Say "my pleasure" when someone says "thank you" coz it is a pleasure to be able to help a person. Do reach for your dreams. Enough talk, and more walk please :) So.. what are you doing now future me? dah ade superbike belum? supercar? superhouse? superhotwife? super anything? YES? AWESOOMEEE!! can't wait to be you. I..

Weyy!! Kata nak buat report?!?!?!?!

#!&^@%&%&@ POTONG STIM AAA!!!!

Bila tengah buat report.

It is very important when you are doing something, you put your 100% focus to it. Be it, dating, driving, eating, sleeping, studying. Whatever you do put your 100% focus on it.!!! REMEMBER THAT!!!

so ipin, asal aku tengok kau online? padahal tadi bukan main kata nak buat report la, 7 page malam ni la..
kenapa? kenapa ko online? HAAAAA?!?!?!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My family

I'm pretty sure everyone thinks the same way as i do. that they're family is the best. the most kecoh, the most fun and the most loving. yang family betul2 masalah tu tak kira laa.

So here's an entry about my family. Is it perfect? Sure not. Flaws all over the place. tengok la anak sulung die. hot chicks ramai sangat nak kat dia. *cough*.  Yep, nobody's perfect. The beauty of being a family is that no matter how annoying or bad or stinky (sebab kentut) someone is at his/her worst, you still love them :D

My family. i guess memang takde one day goes by without one of us shouting at each other. be it sebab nak panggil makan, or nak panggil sebab tak tutup lampu, nak marah or whatever lah. there will be a scream everynow and then hahahaha love it.

Dinner is the best. everyone is at one table. Dinner is never 30 minutes. 30 minutes untuk hidang makanan, duduk, baca doa, then somehow mesti kecoh2. we'll laugh, chat, gossip, laugh some more. :D.

So, najib, iffah, jannah and ajan. dorang sume dapat kakak baru hahahahhah. I like saying that :P Ibu and ayah pun tak kisah. so weehuuuu!! hahaha.

Esok iffah, ibu n ayah g umrah. tinggal lah kitorg ber 3. najib kat penang. So what you say?
So PARTAAAYYY laaa . hahaha.

that's all chumps. btyl. (blogtoyoulater)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Yo yo yo.

So long haven't updated the blog.
Aite, so let's get to it. The latest thing in my life.

GYM GYM GYM GYM. gahahahaha. say whatever you want. I heard it all. whatever it is, i'm doing this till i'm happy with my body :D. sounds sexy kan? haha.
For practicals, there;s only 37 days to go!!! can't wait yoooooooo.

taktaw nk cakap ape bai. just feel like updating. i know you'll read it kan kan kan.

see you later alligator.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

When they say your name.

So what does it mean when a person keeps mentioning you, again and again and again? It means either he/she misses you, hates you, cares about you or loves to gossip about you.

Faisal Puzi is his name. Yes, macho kan nama beliau? So, he has this habit of saying my name in his blog. Ko igt ak tak perasan ke pesal? Ko syg ak kan. You don't need to show it bro, i can tell by brape byk nama ak kluar kat blog ko. Hahaha.

FYI ladies, pesal is still single (from what i know la). So if y'all nak no die, please dont hesitate to search his name kat fb and add die :P.

Pesal, bile nk follow ak? ak dh follow ko kot!!!! hahahahahaha.

Ps - His nickname's hotstuff. You get the message ;p

"Waalaikummussalam warahmatullah hiwabarokatuh Cikgu Ariffin!"

Haa. Itu la bunyi nye, bile ak bg salam kepada kelas tusyen ak. Style tak style la kan cikgu ariffin ni. haha.

So FYI, i just started teaching at a Multi purpose hall. I'm a Teacher!! So my students are not under-grads  nor are they masters or PhD candidates. Kalau PhD candidates tkde nye jwb salam mcm tu kan. The kids are from year 1-6. Pffffftt!!

Pada mule nya agak pening la jgk, nk fikirkan aktiviti, camne nak handle, cmne nk mengajar lg. Beghat2. So then i thought to myself. When you were their age, the best you can hope from a teacher is what? I always wanted my teacher to be funny, i HATE strict teachers, and i always like the teacher being friendly. So the character Cikgu Ariffin was born. Cheh, padahal same je klu kat luar pun. Cume kali ni dlm klas, dorg cuak skit aa. haha.

I told a kid to get out of the class for calling me "cikgu ipin". Menggelabah die, muka dh habis cuak. Sekali ak ckp "haa taw cuak" with a lovely smile. Bantai dorg gelak ramai2 kat budak tu. hahaha.

I love kids, and always will. I find it pleasing and enjoyable that i get to teach them. I have a chance of changing someone's perspective and view in life. I have a chance to shape and mould one's character so that he or she will be a better person. I'm grateful and thankful to those who have thought me well down the years and made me the person i am today. I am.. CIKGU ARIFFIN.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cars, cars, cars.

I wanna talk about cars (obviously).

So, the obvious thing to talk about would be my favorite car. As i said before, its the Ferrari 458. Why you ask? Eh, you didn't ask? Oh.. Takpe i wanna talk about it anyway. Coz its my blog. not yours. haha. Its just an awesome car! I mean i have a hell of a long way to go till i can even think of buying that machine. I know i'll get there someday (10 years time). So why is it awesome.
1. Its a Ferrari kot!!!
2. Its super fast, beats is little brother - the F430 - by miles!!!
3. It can also be a comfortable car. Loud and agressive when you want it. And slow and soft when u need it.

Since i'm still a student, and i don't have a car (yet). My 1st car, i would like it to be a Honda Civic EG6. Coz its cool. i mean, mrs.Ariffin dh ade myvi. So why nak beli another family car lg, (cheh ''family car''). EG6 just suits my boy racer style perfectly. Boleh aa fight ngn neo cps brader tu. agaga.

Say if i'm not buying a car as my first form of transport. A ninja 250 or kawasaki ER6N would do just fine! I mean a Yamaha R6 is the dream. But, you gotta take it step by step.

This entry is quite boring kan.
its 12.46am. i just feel like blogging. lalalalalaal.
Here's a few pictures of the dreams above :D




Sunday, April 3, 2011

Glory, Glory Man United!

The Comeback Kings did it again!

I'm a Man United fan for life! Had half of my childhood in Manchester, grew up playing football in Manchester. Fell in love with Man United in Manchester. I love Man U so much, at one time i couldn't figure out why everyone else won't support Man U. They are just the best team ever! But hey, everyone has their own tastes right. I miss the rivalry, experiencing it first hand was definitely a treat for me :D

I really hate when some Man U fans say stupid stuff. Fagging embarrassing dowh! Eg. I caught one united fan saying this on, "people who call man utd 'man u' are stupid and don't know football". Like wtfreck?! What the hell does that have to do with anything?! Damn noobs!

So anyway, MU baru menang td. 4-2 to West ham. Eventhough we were 2-0 down at halftime. We came back with 4 goals in the 2nd half. GET IN! The best part was, my friend, chot (bukan nama sebenar) dah message2 when it was the 70th minute. Kalah la ape la. Normal stuff that we all do. I especially love to kenekan others when their team is losing. hehe.

So to cut a short story shorter, when he messaged, it was 2-0. then at the final whistle it was 4-2. haha mmg, in your face gile laa. hahaha. sorry aa chot, ak dh ckp jgn overconfident. kekekekeke.

Peace out folks!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

2nd of the day. Awak punye takde pun? :P

The title is for my Mrs. Mane awk ni, takde update pun? BOORRIINNGGG. Haha.

So yes, now i finally have something to say. No pointless typing here. So put your reading glasses on and read!

"Hendaklah kamu berkahwin dengan seorang gadis yang engkau boleh bergurau senda dengannya dan dia akan bergurau senda dengan engkau".

(Hadis Rasulullah SAW)
Cool kan that hadith? My friend on Facebook did it as his status. I just find it very interesting and true. I mean, imagine if you married or get close with someone just because she's super hot. Hot-ness will go away soon enough. By the end of the time you guys finish talking about each other's hot-ness, you guys will endure pure boredom with each other. Maybe that's why celebrities get divorced so much. With character, personality and homour. Those things stay for a life time.

Don't get me wrong, beauty is important, but more importantly is the person him/herself. If she's super ultra zoey deschanel like hot, but perangai macam biznitch. Ain't my taste bro. My ideal girl would have the perfect blend of both beauty, humour, crazy, clumsy, cute and independent! I like an independent women, but not so independent la. Kang tak manje2 tak best lak. Haha.

I'm pretty sure you know what i'm trying to say.

Have an awesome Saturday! I know i will, even without my 3rd gf.. astro. huhu.


Dua tiga kucing berlari, mana tak sama si kucing belang.

Style kan title di atas? haha. Actually i really really don't know what to write. Tapi rasa mcm nk update. So here goes :D

Sekarang musim maharaja lawak. Effing funny hahaha. But out of all the talents out there, of course there's a few yang stand out. So, the obvious candidates would be jozan, nabil, sepah. Out of those three, Nabil macam down sikit aa. jozan and sepah lawak as usual.

Its weird for sepah, because dorg as a group on stage, their funny. But as a tv show, mcm tk berapa la. About Johan and Zizan, tk perlu ckp byk la kan. Both tgh up gile2. Whether it's up berat badan or upkan status. Dua2 up gak. haha. Can't wait for the next weeks of Maharaja Lawak. Too bad its only on prima for 2 weeks only.

Today's Saturday. Tonight we're eating BIG!

Shout out to my mrs. Hi gemuk ;p.

Annnndddd. Sorry to 'awok'. Tak dapat nk tolong semlm. Tgh tido haha. dan sayo di shah alam sudeh ;)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

F1 and footballers

I bet anyone in the world would die to get a job that they love to do, and get paid a hefty amount of money.

For F1 drivers, and professional footballers. They get a huge amount of money for salaries. Wayne Rooney for example gets paid 140,000 Pounds per WEEK!!! 140,000 X 5 = RM700,000 per week! Wtfish!
For F1 drivers, i don't really know how much they get paid, but i sure as hell know they're frigging rich.

So i'm not gonna babble about their overpaid wages. But my admiration for how good they are!
For footballer, you have the creativity and effectiveness of passing in Paul Scholes, Cesc Fabregas, Xabi alonso, Iniesta, Xavi, Shafiq Rahim (Come on Malaysia!!!). Awesome trickery of Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Nani(?), Quaresma, Idlan Talaha (Come on Malaysia!!!). Super awesome shooting of Wayne Rooney, Ibrahimovic, Van der Vaart and Safee Sali ( Come on Malaysia!!!).

And in F1, phwoah. Blasts my mind away of how cool they can be in such high speeds, holding on the car, and making such quick decisions on when to turn, brake, overtake, wahh. BMW (i think its BMW) engineers were quoted saying that Robert Kubica's braking point are so accurate they are only centimeters apart, i bet i can't even do that in my Myvi. The beating their body gets by going at such an awesome pace. 4-6Gs!

There was news that spread around once, Michael Schumacher wanted to get to the airport ASAP coz he was late. He called for a cab, then asked to drive. The cab driver agreed (wouldn't you? It's schumacher!).
In the interview, the cab driver was cab driver was quoted saying Schumacher did turns at speeds that he wasn't even thought possible, flatout on corners, weaving in and out through traffic. Awesome!!!!!

I love their talents in every single way!

That's all about my love of their talents,

Chow peeps!

About Me

5 posts in and i just started to feel the mood to write about myself. So, ABOUT ME!
I was born on th 26th of January 1990. Eldest out of 5 children.
My relationship status is single but not available, however still looking. Waceh! Cancel the still looking part. Marah my mrs. nnt. Hehe =]

As most guys are, I'm a football and motorsport enthusiasts. I support Man Utd. I love JDM cars, supercars and sportscars alike. I love superbikes! I follow F1, I follow football. I also follow other blogs. Mainly blogserius and i think Maria elena is funny in her silly and sengal way
I like sports. =]
I have an awesome gf. :D <3

So, what else. ah! I like to chill with my friends and meet cool new people.
I guess that's all that you can know about me from here. If you want to know more.
Call me on 017-2.. aish. agak2 aa nak bagi phone number kan. Facebook sudey!!

Till next post young bloods!

Street Racing

So what's this about then? I joined a gang? Mat rempit? Boy Racer? Budak main kete? What what??
No lah. I like to drive fast on the streets sometimes. I know its illegal, but what else to do when i'm in need of adrenaline rush.

So everytime after weekend futsal (coz i play futsal everyday in youaiyeay), fahmi and i will definitely test who has the bigger private part (haha) by racing on the streets. He'll usually smoke me on the big roads as my Myvi can go so so je, but his Neo CPS will eat my Myvi's dust when we're in town roads. eg, shah alam. hehe.

Maybe some of you think its unsafe for us to weave around in traffic, late braking, 'cucuk'-ing other cars. Well, it is. But that's the point though innit? Without the danger, where's the rush?

Anyway, it's late. I wanna go take a shower before going to bed. Just got back from futsal and racing :D

P/s: If you really wanna go racing in a safe environment, i suggest you go to:
1. GoCart-ing at Shah Alam stadium.
2. If you wanna test how good is your car. Go to track days at Sepang International Circuit (SIC). Although there's a RM300 fee you'd have to pay.

Cheerios =]

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Home sweet home.

I'm home! Been too long since i've been home! Approximately 336 hours!
Anywhooo. What's so good about home?

It's the only place you can be who you are and still be loved. 
Only place you can sleep all day and you still get food on the table.
Only place you can get your clothes washed just the way you like it.
Only place where each meal is your favorite meal.
Only place where you can fart and it's ajan's fart. HAHA.

Home is HOME!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Top Gear

Any car enthusiasts in the world would have definitely heard of Top Gear. It is THE most awesome-est car show and car magazine EVER! With three hosts being childish, informative, funny and stupid all at the same time; and you put a super car to the mix. It's just a formula waiting to explode and cause a massive havoc of brilliance and joy in the air.

For me personally, i laugh and enjoy more watching Top Gear than any other comedy show, tv episodes or movies. Its just the kind of thing i'd watch for the rest of my life.

Anyways. Here's to my 3rd entry.
P/s: Ferrari 458 italia would be the answer if you were to ask me what my dream car is.

Rebecca Black - Friday

BEST SONG EVER! Psyche! Poor her, i bet she was just trying to make a name for herself, but the guy (or girl, i'm not sexist.) who made the lyrics seriously sucks!

Poor poor girl.

But did you know, on her youtube video there's already more than 44 million views as of now. Her song has already been downloaded 2,000,000 times on iTunes which pays her $0.70 per download, she has $1.4 million already in her bank, and Simon Cowell, THE Godfather of critcism, called her a genius! Effing brilliant if you ask me.

Good on you lassy!

Another new beginning.

Its fun seeing people write their blogs and updates. Funny how one thing was interesting, then it became boring, then interesting again. So here i am writing my new blog. As the old one was deleted due to a problem faced called "malasnakupdate"/

Stay tuned for more posts. =]