Sunday, April 10, 2011

When they say your name.

So what does it mean when a person keeps mentioning you, again and again and again? It means either he/she misses you, hates you, cares about you or loves to gossip about you.

Faisal Puzi is his name. Yes, macho kan nama beliau? So, he has this habit of saying my name in his blog. Ko igt ak tak perasan ke pesal? Ko syg ak kan. You don't need to show it bro, i can tell by brape byk nama ak kluar kat blog ko. Hahaha.

FYI ladies, pesal is still single (from what i know la). So if y'all nak no die, please dont hesitate to search his name kat fb and add die :P.

Pesal, bile nk follow ak? ak dh follow ko kot!!!! hahahahahaha.

Ps - His nickname's hotstuff. You get the message ;p

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