I'm pretty sure everyone thinks the same way as i do. that they're family is the best. the most kecoh, the most fun and the most loving. yang family betul2 masalah tu tak kira laa.
So here's an entry about my family. Is it perfect? Sure not. Flaws all over the place. tengok la anak sulung die. hot chicks ramai sangat nak kat dia. *cough*. Yep, nobody's perfect. The beauty of being a family is that no matter how annoying or bad or stinky (sebab kentut) someone is at his/her worst, you still love them :D
My family. i guess memang takde one day goes by without one of us shouting at each other. be it sebab nak panggil makan, or nak panggil sebab tak tutup lampu, nak marah or whatever lah. there will be a scream everynow and then hahahaha love it.
Dinner is the best. everyone is at one table. Dinner is never 30 minutes. 30 minutes untuk hidang makanan, duduk, baca doa, then somehow mesti kecoh2. we'll laugh, chat, gossip, laugh some more. :D.
So, najib, iffah, jannah and ajan. dorang sume dapat kakak baru hahahahhah. I like saying that :P Ibu and ayah pun tak kisah. so weehuuuu!! hahaha.
Esok iffah, ibu n ayah g umrah. tinggal lah kitorg ber 3. najib kat penang. So what you say?
So PARTAAAYYY laaa . hahaha.
that's all chumps. btyl. (blogtoyoulater)
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