A holiday period is the most over-rated period of all. Especially when you have nothing to do.
for example, during the semester. everyone is struggling to do their best at quizzes, exams, finish their assignments on time.. at these times are when everyone can't wait for the sem to end. and when the holiday comes we will ALL get bored. the longest period of holiday without getting bored is 2 weeks. longer than that will be boredom!!
Why? Because we are all used to the havoc, messy, stressful routine. everyday go to class, tengah hari tidur, then class some more. then petang football, futsal, badminton, gym, jogging pusing uia (but actually nk usha awek lain yg jogging).
But when on holiday all we do is wake up at 12, then dont know what to do.
There's only 1 way that can solve this.
Get a short holiday!
This means either your holiday is actually short, or you make it short!
How you ask? by doing something during holiday laaa. adoiyai. tu pun nak tanye ke? eyy kamu ni pun kan. aku pukul kamu baru taw pun kan. adoi! ( cara david teo cakap).
So fill ur holidays with shizznit to do boys and girls! work, gym, business, kemas rumah, belajar, charity work, sports, travel ANYTHING! As long as you're occupied.
Make the best of what you have, coz when you lose it. It's not yours to have.
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